SHOP: Beginners

Double Pot For Classical Conditioning


The Scentdog Double Pot is ideal for classical conditioning; simply drop your odour in the lower pot and away you go! The Double Pot prevents the dog from eating the odour. Also, feeding from the pot... [ Read more ]
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The Scentdog Double Pot is ideal for classical conditioning; simply drop your odour in the lower pot and away you go!
The Double Pot prevents the dog from eating the odour. Also, feeding from the pot where the odour is situated creates a strong association that when the odour is present "good stuff" happens, in this case, treats!

Don’t be tempted to use low-value rewards like dog food, we want their first encounter with this odour to almost blow their mind! Otherwise, when we start training in the big wide world, the environment is likely to be far more appealing than those bits of kibble.

As part of the progression, add a second pot to teach "The Choice Game."

“The Choice Game” tests whether the dog understands that only the specific odour merits a reward. This ensures we haven't inadvertently taught the dog that simply inserting their nose into any pot will result in a treat.

Great for using in classes/workshops to rapidly condition dogs to your chosen scent. It is recommended to use a different pot for each scent.

Clear PP screw cover.

Dimensions: 11 cm x 11 cm x 8.5 cm

Professionals will need to log in on their approved account for prices for larger pack sizes 

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